In case you’re wondering about same-day dental crowns, it’s very much possible to get sturdy and reliable ones within a couple of hours. They guarantee the same strength, durability, and quality that you’d expect from traditional dental crowns.
Dental crowns are effective dental restorations that help cover the visible portion of your tooth and help restore its shape, strength, and appearance. Modern digital and 3D-imaging technology helps dentists to make dental crowns in less than two hours. Patients are no longer obliged to return for a second appointment after a week or two.
That’s not all. In some cases, traditional crowns can take as long as a month to get ready. In the meantime, the patient has to make do with a temporary crown (which may feel uncomfortable) or, alternatively, walk around with a chipped or broken tooth. Same-day dental crowns offer a faster solution without compromising on quality.
Paramus Park Mall Dental in Paramus is proud to offer a range of personalized, reliable and affordable dental crowns to their esteemed patients. Tell us your requirements and our hardworking staff will deliver results to your satisfaction. Same-day crowns cost about the same as traditional crowns, and you get them without wasting your valuable time twice over.
Many dental offices now use CEREC machines to design well-fitting same-day dental crowns. We generally recommend porcelain crowns as it does not react to temperature changes.
The dentist will first take an accurate image of the tooth in question as well as the surrounding teeth.
He or she will then use the software design options to adjust the size and shape of the crown so that it fits correctly on the tooth.
The dentist will select the right color to match your natural teeth. The dental crown will then be prepared as you wait in the office.
For those who grind or clench their teeth often, you can also opt for dental crowns made of a gold alloy. Contact Paramus Park Mall Dental in Paramus for more information on same-day dental crowns.